Our Staff

The PTD is organised in to three departments: Standards, Outreach and Development and Pilot Feedback.

Leadership Team

Simon Kelsey
Vice President, Pilot Training

As Vice President for Pilot Training, Simon holds overall responsibility for all aspects of Pilot Training on the VATSIM network, overseeing the day-to-day operations of the PTD, setting and guiding the network’s pilot training strategy and ensuring the smooth running and implementation of pilot training schemes, ATOs, administration of pilot ratings, and other pilot education initiatives. As a full member of the VATSIM Board of Governors he represents the interests of the pilot training community at the highest level within VATSIM, working in close cooperation with other departments, regions, divisions and third-party organisations.

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Eric Steiner
Pilot Feedback Lead

As Pilot Feedback Lead, Eric is responsible for overseeing the development, implementation and smooth running of the VATSIM Pilot Feedback System. With responsibility for a team of Pilot Training Managers, Eric is responsible for ensuring that feedback is accurately collated, distributed and archived and reviewing data from the system to identify trends and opportunities for the development of training initiatives.

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Brandon Wening
Outreach and Development Lead

As Outreach and Development Lead, Brandon is responsible for external relations, media initiatives and liaison with VATSIM ATC regions and divisions. He also oversees a team that is responsible for the development of learning resources such as online courses, video production, graphics, social media content and online events such as live webinars.

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Standards Lead

The Standards Department is responsible for all aspects of delivery of Pilot Ratings, including the oversight and development of ATOs, examinations, Member Certification Standards and real-world licence transfers. The Standards department is currently overseen by the VP Pilot Training.